NSFI Business Card Design

I have now moved back to India for good and am available for freelance / consulting assignments in User Experience Design and Research. I truly believe that I have a lot that I can give back to the design scenario in India and hence the decision to move back. Please get in touch with me for more design services.

Recently I have been consulting for a startup based in New Delhi, India called the NSFI (Nitesh Supriya Film Initiative). They have the brands Cine – Darbaar (that organizes film festivals and other cinema related events. Recent successes include Russian and Iranian film festivals) and Indian Auteur (India’s first online film criticism journal. I write for them too on Documentary cinema and film criticism). I recently did their business card design for them.

Card Front Side

Card Back Side

The goal was to have their ideologies in simplicity, and of being a young and dynamic group of people bringing a change in the way cinema is accepted in the society in India today. It also had to be modern and at the same time reflect the confidence of the group in organizing the events, inspite of being new to the field. The right side of the back of the card was intentionally left blank to provide a space for taking notes.

Pick Me, Click Me, Educate Me!

I recently gave my masters graduation project presentation on designing for social impact and using photography as a research tool to help in the creation of social awareness solutions. I focused on the issue of child education in rural Bihar (India). The project was well received in the presentation and the overall consensus was good.

The final outcome of the graduation project is the website Pick Me, Click Me, Educate Me! This project serves to provide a platform to people from different backgrounds (photographers, writers, educationists, social workers, donors etc) to collaborate. It allows to utilize the work done by one group (like photographers who go to these locations and shoot), for discussion with the others who are not able to. It therefore allows aims for promoting , discussing, writing about, and finally donating (again not the prime focus) for, the issue of child education in rural Bihar.

Here is the promo video for the project

And this is the presentation that I made in the class.

Pick Me Click Me Educate Me

View more presentations from Kshitiz Anand.